
>> Wednesday, July 2, 2008

* I went for a haircut today. It has been months since the last cut, and my hair was longer than it's been since I was about five years old. I could easily grab it from behind without bending my head back. I got about two inches taken off and some layers added. I have never before felt like I lost five pounds of hair. Next up: Feria brush-in highlights.

* I am very ready to stop having dreams about my dad -- dreams in which I am sobbing and trying to reason with my dad. I know it's my brain trying to solve a problem, but really, brain, could you let it go already?

* I am looking forward to going back to Maryland on Monday even though I know part of the time will be dealing with previously mentioned parental unit. I am ready to see some rain and go up to Swallow Falls for a picnic.

* I am also looking forward to Arizona for a day trip this weekend. I can't wait to take some pictures with the DSLR. I haven't been in AZ since January 2007. That doesn't seem possible. This didn't happen.


jen July 3, 2008 at 6:50 AM  

how long will you be in md? depending how long you're in, perhaps we can meet up!

btw - i love the new blog background and header - absolutely beautiful!

Karen July 3, 2008 at 7:29 AM  

I miss the state parks up there...enjoy Swallow Falls for me! :)

Heather Palacios July 17, 2008 at 11:08 AM  

found your blog on adoptic. i was sad when i read the part about your dreams. dont know you, but i'll pray that those get better. have fun traveling.

Allison July 24, 2008 at 12:37 PM  

@jen: Thanks! I thought it was time for a change.

@karen: I wish I'd actually had time to go on a picnic. Oh well, next time.

@her: Thanks very much.