100 Random Facts About Me

>> Friday, February 1, 2008

1. I got my first pet when I was 20.
2. I was born in Texas.
3. During my school years, it bugged me that I had a January birthday. It was always snowing or doing something completely craptastic. At least I always got an extra-long weekend thanks to MLK Jr.
4. I was raised mostly in Western MD.
5. I love to sing and I am quite good.
6. It has taken a lot of years and a lot of self-reflection to get to the point where I am able to say I am a good singer.
7. I am usually a very modest person.
8. I am a loyal friend who will talk with you about anything, make you laugh and have your back in all situations.
9. I am on a quest to find my own satya (Sanskrit word for "truth").
10. I am trying to carve out time each day to to have private time between me and God.
11. I believe that realizing you have the power to shape your own reality is paramount in finding spiritual enlightenment.
12. I am primarily auditory with visual as a close second. For instance, I can carry a tune, but if I am taking an exam, I will remember exactly where the topic was on the page, even if I forget what it says.
13. On the Myers-Briggs test, I have always come out an INFJ.
14. I have never tried to smoke and I don't drink much alcohol -- probably only a few drinks a year.
15. When I do, I like the girly stuff.
16. I think beer is one of the nastiest drinks out there.
17. I think coffee tastes great, but I only have it now and again and am quite ok with that.
18. I primarily drink water. I haven't had soda for a long time.
19. I am a wannabe-vegetarian (who still eats fish). It is a struggle ethically and environmentally for me. Also, I love cheese.
20. I am strongly pro-choice.
21. I worked with kids for years and love being around them. I find them inquisitive, fun and inspiring.
22. I am not sure that I ever will have kids.
23. Sometimes I think I'd like to adopt a child.
24. I don't think you have to be related by blood to have a real family.
25. I love my family, but I also love my friends. In my heart, true friends are just as close as family.
26. I live in Las Vegas, NV.
27. I moved here in March 2004.
28. I finished my undergraduate degree after waffling back and forth for years.
29. I finished it summer 2008.
30. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
31. My major was Communications Studies and my minor was Psychology.
32. I mostly went with these fields because they fit with prior credits I earned and made it so that I didn't have to take more than 120 credits.
33. I am considering becoming a teacher.
34. I am a good writer and am trying to be more confident about it.
35. I am also very good at procrastinating.
36. I think it is an awful habit and one that I hope to break before I am 50.
37. I love podcasts. Listening to them is a minor addiction. But I don't own an iPod.
38. Since I have moved to NV, I have visited southern CA, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Washington, and British Columbia.
39. I still really want to visit Oregon, northern CA, New Mexico, and Hawaii.
40. Traveling is a passion of mine. I get the travel bug every few months.
41. I/we are considering selling the house and moving to southern CA in the next couple of years.
42. I am not sure I want to get married. But I think I do. Or maybe not.
43. If I ever get married, it is going to be a very small and casual affair. Extravagant celebrations are not my thing.
44. I earned a massage therapy degree.
45. I wanted to quit halfway through the program.
46. But I stuck it out.
47. Massage therapy isn't for me, but it is pretty cool to know how to give a real massage.
48. Ultimately, I want to work in a field like massage therapy where I help people.
49. I would like to become a photographer. Taking photos makes me happy. And I think I am pretty good at it, but there is always much more to learn.
50. I enjoy yoga, even though it kicks my butt at times.
51. I would like to become a yogini.
52. I'd like to become proficient at Pilates, but that REALLY kicks my butt.
53. I love to read books; I have an equal love for fiction and non-fiction.
54. I am not a big movie-watcher. I have to be REALLY interested in it to decide to watch or else I feel like it is a complete waste of time.
55. I like smart comedies and non-gory dramas with some kind of hope at the end.
56. My favorite kind of movie is action/suspense.
57. I enjoy TV much more than movies.
58. My favorite show is Lost.
59. That is the only show I truly get excited to see.
60. The only comedy I watch is How I Met Your Mother.
61. I have double ear piercings.
62. I don't and will never have any tattoos.
63. I think they are unnecessary and mar perfectly beautiful skin.
64. I don't like drama.
65. Sometimes I miss the East Coast.
66. I would definitely miss being so close to the West Coast if I ever moved back East, though. I feel more drawn to CA at this point.
67. Though it is packed with traffic, expensive and could have an earthquake or wildfire at any time, I think the San Diego area is one of the most perfect places in the country.
68. I am more scared of tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding than I am of earthquakes.
69. Moving back to Maryland was a consideration until my father left my mother in 2008.
70. I never thought I would live in a primarily Republican state.
71. I love jazz music.
72. I like music that makes me feel good, not depressed.
73. The worst thing about living in southern Nevada is the wind.
74. The 110 degree days in the summer aren't the best either, especially with fair skin that feels like it singes.
75. I am a good and defensive driver.
76. It took me a long time to accept that my parents were people with flaws. It is still difficult sometimes, especially where my father is concerned. I am not sure I will ever see him again. He screwed up royally.
77. I am a very good listener, and I am also very good at giving advice.
78. It has been a long time since I have had a close friend.
79. It is tough to find good friends in Las Vegas because it is such a transient place.
80. I am grateful that I have such a wonderful, caring and funny man in my life each day.
81. I try to take a few moments each day and thank God for the abundance in my life.
82. I try not to watch the news before bed; it is too depressing.
83. I remember random numbers and keep them in my head for what seems like forever. (Josey O's home number was 777-35** -- memorized when I was six, Marijke's birthday is 9/27, my great-grandfather was born in 1894, etc. etc.).
84. I have spatial synesthesia.
85. I see the months of the year in a 3-D circle in my head. I also see where numbers are. For instance, the numbers 1-10 go up like a staircase to the right.
86. I can't believe other people don't see things in their heads this way.
87. When I asked JP what he sees in his head when he thinks of the months of the year and he said he sees nothing, I didn't believe him.
88. I got this from my dad. My mom has no clue what I'm talking about.
89. I get a lot of traits from my dad, like my left-handedness and my ability to remember numbers.
90. Unlike him, though, I would never, ever leave my family without doing everything I could to work things out. I also would always make sure they were taken care of.
91. My favorite dessert is one that is lemon-flavored.
92. I have had Type 1 diabetes since I was seven years old.
93. I wish more people knew the difference between Type 1 and Type 2.
94. I am a very quick typer.
95. It has taken me about an hour to type up these 93 things so far.
96. I wear contacts and have since I was 15. I couldn't imagine having to wear glasses for an extended period of time.
97. I had to get glasses when I was in second grade. The year before, my eyes were a perfect 20/20.
98. When I was younger, I usually developed crushes on men who were in positions of authority. I am not sure what that means, but it is probably not good.
99. I love to read blogs. Keeping one has allowed me to get back in touch with people I haven't taked to since high school.
100. I plan to start an Etsy store before the end of 2008.

The End ... to be updated as things change.


Karen February 2, 2008 at 2:12 PM  

Wow, in response to #'s 84-88...me too!!

One of the things for me is that I see the months of the year in a 3-D semi-circle with January being really close to me and on my left side, circling outward and down to December, back near me at my right foot. :)

I get this from my Dad, too (along with my minor OCD).

I also see days of the week and months and whatnot in 3-D and color. Tuesday and Thursday will always be shades of green. :)

It AMAZES me that others don't think this way. How do they figure out dates and stuff? The mind is a crazy thing.

jen February 3, 2008 at 7:13 AM  

this post looks familiar :) (although your list has double the facts that mine does).

it was a fun read - and if you're like me, you had fun writing it too :)

if you notice i already commented but deleted it. after posting, i realized there was a missing space making the words look likethis.

53. i'm a perfectionist.

Allison February 3, 2008 at 10:36 AM  


That is very similar to how I see the year, too, except that as the months go on, I am positioned at each month. So, if it is May, it is right where I am, and then June starts a 3D ring to the left, ending with April being to my right. I don't think I have the color part of it, but I totally see the days of the weeks and numbers as a place in space.

I don't get how other people don't see it either. I feel like I would have no reference for numbers or time.

Allison February 3, 2008 at 10:42 AM  


I already had this list somewhere else, so I updated it and added to it. So, some slight cheating. I'm sure you will get to 100 before too long. :)

I am a perfectionist, too! And on top of that really too hard on myself at times. I think I am getting better at letting things go, but it has not been easy.

daisies February 7, 2008 at 2:52 PM  

wow ... what a fun read and so full of interestingness :)

Folding Ben October 6, 2008 at 9:55 PM  

In regards to numbers 92 and 93, I’m scared to death that I will be diagnosed with Diabetes. It is one of my few fears. As a pilot that would be the end of my career. The weird thing is that there are so many other things that could end my career but they don’t seem to concern me. I’m not sure why I’m afraid of Diabetes.