
>> Monday, December 31, 2007

JP and I are FINALLY back in Las Vegas after spending eight days on the East Coast visiting family. It was a very good Christmas week. And we brought my mom back with us.

The flight back was super long -- five hours and twenty minutes. I think it might have ended up being more. There were also a lot of bawling children because, let's face it, no one really wants to be on a plane for five hours late at night. It was a pretty uneventful flight, though, and the portable DVD player definitely helps the time pass.

Mom and I just went to the market and spent an hour stocking up the fridge with food. Tonight we are going to have appetizers and then we are going to go watch from afar the fireworks they shoot off from the casinos.

I am really happy to have my mom here and to have her see Las Vegas when it's not 100+ degrees like it's been all the other times she's visited. Anyway, I'd better go help her cook!


Karen January 2, 2008 at 7:22 AM  

That's so nice that you have your mom out there with you for a little while! Hope you have fun while she's visiting!

Allison January 5, 2008 at 6:25 PM  

Yes, it is nice to have her here. :)