10 Things

>> Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am in a picture-less posting state-of-mind tonight. Shea tagged me for a meme a while ago and I am finally using it! I am nothing if not prompt. Here are 10 (it was supposed to be seven, so party bonus!) random things about me, with a holiday twist.

1. I have never had eggnog. Ever. Not one drop. This doesn't make me sad at all.

2. The year we got the house (2004) was the first Christmas I'd ever had away from home. I don't really remember what we did, but I remember that it was fine.

3. I would LOVE to spend Christmas in a tropical location. The idea of spending the holiday relaxing by the beach and sipping a fruity drink has always appealed to me.

4. This year we are splitting Christmas week between New Jersey and Maryland. In years past, we have gone to my family in MD for Thanksgiving and JP's family in Jersey for Christmas. We will end up saving hundreds of dollars doing this.

5. I loathe holiday travel, but I haven't had too many bad experiences.

The flight home from Newark after Christmas 2005 was the worst experience to date. This included boarding an America West plane that wasn't functioning correctly, and having to leave the plane 45 minutes later and boarding another plane an hour later. It also entailed sitting for five hours in front of a man whose hair looked like it was last styled in the 80s and smelled like it had last been washed in the same, too. Every time he moved, I felt like I was going to throw up. When in doubt, never fly America West, now known as US Airways. This, though, will not guarantee you a seat away from the draft of Unwashed Hair Man.

6. I was never one to get up early on Christmas. In fact, my mom would have to come upstairs and wake us up to come down and open presents. This usually happened around 9.

7. I was also never one to try to discover where my mom hid the presents. I never really understood the point of that. Besides, my parents have a huge 3-story brick house built in the 1940s, including a full attic with many nooks and a full basement with many dark corners. Figuring out the present-stashing location would have been a lot of work.

8. I like being home around Christmas because my mom always has the tree decorated so nicely, and lights up all around the downstairs of the house. She also makes lots of cookies and other goodies. It really feels like Christmas there.

9. Though I live in Las Vegas, I have never been on the Strip during the New Year's fireworks. That does not seem worthwhile to me. Besides, we can walk down the street from the house and watch them.

10. I have never had champagne on New Year's. I was going to say I have never had alcohol, but I am not completely certain of that (I am relatively sure of it). I can say, though, that I have never been drunk on New Year's. That might qualify me as a freak.

Your turn!


Shea December 20, 2007 at 5:20 PM  

Hi Allison. Yay! Thanks for playing. (I felt bad for dropping the big bomb of the NaBloPoMo tag in your lap. I'm glad you saved it for when you felt inspired.) However, now I am wondering, how did an East Coaster end up in Las Vegas?

Allison December 31, 2007 at 5:12 PM  

Hey Shea. (Sorry for the late reply!) The short story is I met a guy. Lucky for me it has worked out. :)