American Idol
>> Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ugh. I am just not sure I can do this show anymore. It has gotten beyond pathetic. Maybe this is because I've gotten older. Maybe it's because the novelty of it wore off years ago. Maybe it's because Ryan keeps saying, "It's the most talented group of 24 ever!" and I want to slap the snot out of him for blatantly lying to all of us. (Ok, I realize Ryan is a puppet, but that doesn't change the urge to slap something violently.) Maybe it's because they have really tried to use the contestants' celebrity (e.g. former record contract and commercial acting) to make us vote for contestants.
In a season where the guys are pathetic, it's depressing when the girls are even MORE pathetic. Where did they find these people? I think they casted them because of qualities of which being able to carry a tune was pretty much optional -- a convenience in a few cases. JP was covering his head and begging for it to be over last night and, although I didn't cover my head, I was witnessing far too many cringe-worthy moments for my taste.
These are the people I think could/would/should/dontreallycareiftheydoornot make it to the final four. The thing is, I can't imagine buying any albums by any of these people. Carly
I guess she can sing. I can't really tell through all the hype they have loaded on her each and every week. She can carry a tune. But I am not sure I have bought her being sick every single week up till now, and I am not feeling sorry for her in any way, even though the show producers would reallyreallyREALLY like me to. Also, her album would probably be a Heart rip off and there is no way I would purchase it.David H
This guy can sing. The problem is, it skeeves me out to watch him. He makes hand gestures, squinty eyes, and constipated faces that rival the best of them. I can imagine him fronting a boy band or maybe making an album that is Enrique Iglesias-esque. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
David A
Ok, considering pure vocal talent, this kid is definitely a front runner. He can throw out a ten-note run like he was blinking an eye. He definitely has the tween/mom/grandma vote. He may be cute and have some talent, but the problem is the only way I would ever buy his album is FOR my grandma.
Oh, I'm supposed to pick a final four. Um... yeah. How about Chikezie? His name alone could sell a million records. Plus, who doesn't like a guy who can pull off an orange suit and never once stop grinning?
Yeah, like I said, I am not sure how many more hours of my life I am willing to waste on this freak show.
I keep saying the same things too, and yet, I've written two blog posts on Idol in the past week. I can't help it. It's a train wreck!
There's something about Carly that I really like. I may watch until (if) she gets booted, but after that, I'm over it.
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